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Rent the Hall

Rental Fees

The Hants Border Community Club owns, maintains, and operates the Hants Border Community Hall. The rental of the hall helps with the costs of maintaining the building. The Hants Border Community Hall is very special to our community. We hope you will enjoy using the facility!

Hourly Rate

Hourly rental of the hall is $25/hour up to a maximum of $150/day.


A deposit of 50% is required to hold your spot. Please send it to


To receive a refund on your deposit please cancel 72 hours or more before your event. 

Conditions of Rental Agreement:


Renter will be responsible for setting up and takedown. Tables, chairs, and other hall items are to be returned to their original place.

  1. Chairs and tables are not to be taken outside without special permission.

  2. Ensure all stove elements, lights, and equipment are turned off.

  3. Decorations can only be attached to the chair railing, window trim, or hooks already in place. Do not use adhesives, tape, or tacks on the walls. Please, no confetti!

  4. Parking is limited next to the building; there is a handicapped parking area at the side kitchen door. Parking can take place on the nearby streets with caution.

  5. You are responsible for tidying up after your event and placing all garbage in the bin outside. If the hall is in poor condition after your rental there will be an additional custodial fee charged.
    DOWNLOAD the cleaning checklist here.

  6. Reminder: no smoking inside or within 20 ft. of the building.


Private Events Serving Alcohol:


If you would like to serve alcohol at a private event please apply for a special occasion liquor license HERE. Please allow two weeks or more for the application process and send us a copy once approved. Provide the following documents along with your application: FLOOR PLAN and INSPECTION LETTER.


Release of Liability Waiver


Hants Border Community Club (HBCC) Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, and Assumption of Risk Agreement (Hereinafter the “Release Agreement”) Please Read Carefully Before Signing.


By signing below, you as HBCC Hall User/Organizer (the “Registrant”) understand and accept that you are using the Hants Border Community Hall, facilities, and equipment (the “Hall Facilities”) to participate in any and all activities at your own risk and that you hereby expressly waive any claim of any nature against the Hants Border Community Club Hall, and its directors and volunteers (hereinafter collectively the “Releasees”).


You as Registrant acknowledge your awareness and agreement that the activities you engage in at the Hall, can be dangerous and involves risk of bodily injury, death, and/or property damage and that this Release Agreement is a release of liability, waiver of claim, and assumption of risk and that by signing this Release Agreement, you waive certain legal rights which you or your heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators or assigns may have against the HBCC and the Releasees. You further acknowledge responsibility for damage to all non-HBCC Hall property resulting from the Registrant's activities. The term HBCC Hall includes, without limitation, open spaces, kitchen, basement, lounge areas, parking lots, and equipment.


In consideration of being able to use the HBCC Hall, you as Registrant do for yourself, your heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, hereby release and forever discharge the HBCC Hall and the Releasees of and from any and every liability, loss, claim, demand, action, right of action, of whatsoever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, arising from or by reason of any bodily injury or personal injuries, known or unknown, death or property damage resulting from any accident or activities which may occur from your use of the HBCC Hall Facilities, whether by negligence or otherwise, including any claims whatsoever associated with the Coronavirus or COVID-19. You further agree that the conditions of this Release Agreement and any rights, duties, and obligations between the HBCC Hall and you as Registrant, shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of Nova Scotia. You further agree to follow all HBCC’s protocols and guidelines.


With your submission below, you, the Registrant, acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions of this document and Release Agreement and acknowledge that there are risks associated with entering the HBCC Hall facility and/or participating in group activities and that the measures taken by HBCC and participants will not entirely eliminate those risks.

Hall Rental Request

By submitting this form I/we agree to the above liability waiver and rental conditions noted above. I understand that I, the renter, will be personally responsible for injuries or damages to any person or property arising from the rental of the premises on the rental date.

Thank you for the request, we will get back to you soon!

The Hants Border Community Hall recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia. We are pleased to work in partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage to develop and promote our cultural resources for all Nova Scotians.

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© 2024, Hants Border Community Hall

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